Package-level declarations


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A video with a media url and optional ad breaks. Ad breaks can either be provided as a list of AdBreak or as a URL to an ad schedule, such as VMAP. See available constructors for more.

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data class FlowplayerMedia @JvmOverloads constructor(val mediaId: String, val playerId: String, val maxVideoBitrate: Int? = null) : Media

A Flowplayer video has a mediaId and a playerId. Preparing the player with such a video, fetches a Flowplayer config that contains all the relevant information for the playback to start.

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open class Media(sessionId: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString()) : Parcelable

Base interface to be implemented by all different types of media.

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data class MediaMetadata(val title: String?, val subtitle: String?, val posterImage: String?)

The media's metadata.

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data class Subtitle(val label: String, val subtitleUrl: String, val mimeType: String? = null)

The media's subtitle.