
A video with a media url and optional ad breaks. Ad breaks can either be provided as a list of AdBreak or as a URL to an ad schedule, such as VMAP. See available constructors for more.


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constructor(mediaUrl: String, drmConfig: DrmConfig? = null, metadata: MediaMetadata? = null, subtitles: ArrayList<Subtitle>? = null, maxVideoBitrate: Int? = null, mimeType: String? = null)

Creates a video with a media URL and no ads. If this media is DRM-protected, then a DrmConfig must be specified.

constructor(mediaUrl: String, adScheduleUrl: String, drmConfig: DrmConfig? = null, metadata: MediaMetadata? = null, subtitles: ArrayList<Subtitle>? = null, maxVideoBitrate: Int? = null, mimeType: String? = null)

Creates a video with a media URL and an ad schedule URL, such as VMAP. If this media is DRM-protected, then a DrmConfig must be specified.

constructor(mediaUrl: String, adScheduleWaterfall: ArrayList<AdBreak>, drmConfig: DrmConfig? = null, metadata: MediaMetadata? = null, subtitles: ArrayList<Subtitle>? = null, maxVideoBitrate: Int? = null, mimeType: String? = null)

Creates a video with a media URL and an ad schedule URL, such as VMAP. If this media is DRM-protected, then a DrmConfig must be specified.


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Ad schedule url to be loaded by the player.

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List of ad breaks to be played. It doesn't have to be ordered chronologically.

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DRM configuration for this media file.

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Media's maximum allowed video bitrate in bits per second.

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Media URL to be loaded by the player.

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Media's metadata.

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MIME type of the media file. If no MIME type is specified, then the player attempts to derive it from the file's extension. If the file extension is missing or unrecognizable, this might lead to playback errors.

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Media's subtitles.