Package-level declarations


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interface Flowplayer

Interface that serves as the foundation for the Wowza Flowplayer. It provides access to all playback states, state listeners, and public functions for the player.

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class FlowplayerSupportFragment : Fragment, PlayerFragment

A simple way of adding Wowza Flowplayer to an Android application. This fragment is a wrapper around FlowplayerView and automatically handles lifecycle events and orientation changes. It extends the support library's Fragment. Therefore, it's assumed that the container activity inherits (directly or indirectly) from AppCompatActivity.

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class FlowplayerView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0) : FrameLayout, NativeMediaPlayer.AudioEventListener, PlayerControlView.ErrorListener, LifecycleListener, PlayerControlsHost

The core component of the Wowza Flowplayer Android SDK. This view is the actual player view. It's recommended to use FlowplayerSupportFragment instead of FlowplayerView when possible, in order to automatically handle lifecycle events and orientation changes. For more control over the player's behavior, FlowplayerView can also be used directly in a parent container. However, in that case, it's important that the application maps the container activity's/fragment's lifecycle to the FlowplayerView.