
interface Flowplayer

Interface that serves as the foundation for the Wowza Flowplayer. It provides access to all playback states, state listeners, and public functions for the player.


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Enumeration containing all possible values for Flowplayer's playback states.

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interface StateListener

Event listener for changes in the playback state.


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abstract fun addEventListener(listener: EventListener)

Adds an event listener.

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abstract fun getCurrentPosition(): Long

Returns the player's current position (in seconds).

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abstract fun getDuration(): Long

Returns the current media's duration (in seconds).

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Returns the player's current playback state.

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abstract fun getUseControls(): Boolean

Returns true if the player is set to use the built-in controls. Otherwise, returns false. The default value is true.

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abstract fun hideControls(shouldHide: Boolean)

Tells the player whether or not it should hide the built-in controls.

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abstract fun isFullscreen(): Boolean

Returns true if the player is currently in full-screen mode. Otherwise, returns false.

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abstract fun mute(state: Boolean)

Tells the player to mute or unmute.

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abstract fun onPictureInPictureModeChanged(isInPictureInPictureMode: Boolean)

Handles changes in the host activity's (or fragment's) Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode.

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abstract fun pause()

Tells the player to pause the playback. If the player is not ready, then the playback remains paused after the player is prepared.

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abstract fun play()

Tells the player to start the playback. If the player is not ready, then the playback starts as soon the player is prepared.

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abstract fun prepare(media: ExternalMedia, autoStart: Boolean = true)

Prepares the player with an ExternalMedia.

abstract fun prepare(media: FlowplayerMedia, autoStart: Boolean = true)

Prepares the player with a FlowplayerMedia.

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abstract fun reload()

If the player was previously prepared but the playback has stopped unexpectedly, calling this method prepares the player again with the previously specified video.

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abstract fun removeEventListener(listener: EventListener)

Removes a previously added event listener.

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abstract fun seek(position: Long)

Tells the player to seek to a new position.

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abstract fun setAudioTrack(id: Int)

Sets a new audio track.

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Sets optional control configurations. Build the config using PlayerControlConfig.Builder.

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abstract fun setFullscreen(fullscreen: Boolean)

Toggles the player's full-screen state. The result is also affected by whether setFullscreenControlOrientation is set to true (default). If setFullscreenControlOrientation is set to true and setFullscreen is called, then the device's orientation automatically changes to landscape in full-screen mode and to portrait for non-fullscreen.

abstract fun setFullscreen(fullscreen: Boolean, requestedOrientation: Int?)

Toggles the player's full-screen state.

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abstract fun setFullscreenControlOrientation(controlOrientation: Boolean)

Tells the player if toggling the full-screen state should also change the device's orientation.

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Sets a custom FullscreenManager to dictate how full-screen mode should be handled.

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abstract fun setMediaNotificationTapIntent(pendingIntent: PendingIntent)

Sets the android.app.PendingIntent to be triggered when a user taps on a media notification associated with the player.

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abstract fun setShouldPauseOnBackground(shouldPauseOnBackground: Boolean)

Sets the behavior of the video player when the host activity is paused.

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abstract fun setSpeed(speed: Float)

Sets a new playback speed.

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abstract fun setSubtitleTrack(id: String)

Sets a new subtitle track.

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abstract fun setUseControls(useControls: Boolean)

Tells the player whether or not it should use the built-in controls.

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abstract fun setVideoTrack(level: Int)

Sets a new video track.

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abstract fun setVolume(volume: Float)

Adjusts the volume of the player.

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abstract fun stop()

Tells the player to stop the playback and resets the player. To start playback again, the player needs to be prepared again.