
class FlowplayerView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0) : FrameLayout, NativeMediaPlayer.AudioEventListener, PlayerControlView.ErrorListener, LifecycleListener, PlayerControlsHost

The core component of the Wowza Flowplayer Android SDK. This view is the actual player view. It's recommended to use FlowplayerSupportFragment instead of FlowplayerView when possible, in order to automatically handle lifecycle events and orientation changes. For more control over the player's behavior, FlowplayerView can also be used directly in a parent container. However, in that case, it's important that the application maps the container activity's/fragment's lifecycle to the FlowplayerView.

If the container activity/fragment implements androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner, then this is very easy to achieve using FlowplayerLifecycleObserver. Otherwise, the container activity/fragment should manually call the lifecycle related methods onStart, onResume, onPause, onStop, and onDestroy.


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constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0)


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open override fun attachControls()

Attach the default UI controls to the player. Does nothing if the controls are already attached.

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open override fun detachControls()

Detach the default UI controls from the player. Does nothing if the controls are already detached.

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open override fun hideControls()

Hide the UI controls

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open override fun onDestroy()

Triggered when the parent Activity's/Fragment's onDestroy() is called.

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open override fun onPause()

Triggered when the parent Activity's/Fragment's onPause() is called.

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open override fun onResume()

Triggered when the parent Activity's/Fragment's onResume() is called.

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open override fun onStart()

Triggered when the parent Activity's/Fragment's onStart() is called.

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open override fun onStop()

Triggered when the parent Activity's/Fragment's onStop() is called.

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open override fun onVolumeChange(volume: Float)

Called when the volume changes.

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open override fun setOnKeyListener(listener: View.OnKeyListener?)
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open override fun showControls()

Show the UI controls